In this this month’s issue we follow up on our 2011 Romanian focus by shedding a light on the work of Romanian directors who have been given little attention amidst the Romanian New Wave discussions that emerged in the last couple of years.

While the completion of Stuff and Dough in 2001 is widely regarded as the birth of the new Romanian cinema, Nae Caranfil’s career that began with Asphalt Tango in the 1990s was scarcely observed by international audiences. For our Perspectives section, we thus looked at his light-hearted comedy The Rest is Silence from 2007, in which Caranfil reconstructs the genesis of Romanian Independence– the first Romanian feature film. In our Interviews section, we feature our recent interview with Mircea Daneliuc about his role as a director before and after Communism. We also spoke to Ruxandra Zenide about her work, and about being a woman in the film industry. You can find our essay on gender implications in Zenide’s Ryna in our Retrospectives section. Finally, Moritz Pfeifer looks at how humor changed in contemporary Romanian cinema in comparison to the 1990s.

EEFB editors
Moritz Pfeifer & Konstanty Kuzma