Vedrana Madžar and Zorka Obrenić retrace the ways in which Godina surveys the connections between art and labor.
Sezgin Boynik examines the Marxist-Leninist Roots of Zenitism, a Yugoslav avantgarde movement of the 1920s.
Gal Kirn situates three shorts by Godina from the early 1970s within the framework of Jacques Rancière’s theory of the “Aesthetics of Politics”.
This masterly documentary accompanies the lives of clandestine immigrants living in an appartment in Athens.
Colette de Castro addresses aspects of performativity and demonization in the light of this recent documentary.
In this Russian film, a police mayor runs over a seven-year-old boy and tries to cover up the accident.
Andrei Dudea saw Tudor Cristian Jurgiu's debut feature.